Thursday 20 November 2008

A True Gentleman – Richard Attenborough (2008)

I just want to compose some thoughts and feelings from today’s visit by Richard Attenborough while they are still fresh in my mind. Anyone who wants to laugh at me for expressing myself and sounding like an Italian sap, may laugh away.

Silence entered the Chandler Studio as Andy led the inspiration into the studio, as soon as some one saw Lord Attenborough enter, the room turning into a great respectful applause. As I looked at him with intriguing eyes, I knew I was in for a treat.

The way the man spoke and the stories he told were absolutely riveting, I was holding on to every one of his words. I was laughing, swelling up, captivated, typical Italian right here! However, it was true, I’ve never been so inspired to work in the industry.

When the lights rose and we stood up to leave I had a lump of respect in my t
hroat and admiration in my eyes. Mick said it perfectly,

"He's a true gentleman. What a gentleman."

Enough said, it was a perfect quote, and most of us were thinking it. He is such an inspiration, to obviously be so in love with the industry and also, and probably more importantly, life. He is probably one of the only men to speak so wonderfully to make even me, the loud mouth son-of-a-gun, shut up for over an hour (If he was able to keep going for weeks I would be the same) and sit on the edge of my seat in awe and respect. Truly a lovely man.

I want to say thank you to Andy and the rest of the team for arranging the visits we have had this week, and to keep them going.

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