Wednesday 19 November 2008

The Best There Is, Best There Was, Best There Ever Will Be!

Ah, no one will get that title reference and if they do, I will give them a well deserved toffee and a salute. Anyway, I was reading some blogs and some people have been talking about their favourite films and I thought to myself, what makes a film suddenly be announced that it is one of the best film ever? I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now and I think the ball started rolling again when I said to the class that Frank Darabont’s The Shawshank Redemption was awful and insisted itself that it was a good film and that Quentin Tarintino’s Pulp Fiction was unrealistic and so so. Everyone looked at me and their jaws dropped.

You can check any film website, Internet Movie Database or American Film Institute, read up any film book or magazine, Sight & Sound or Empire, and they will all have their own versions on what is the best film ever made and usually they all come to the same conclusions, Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather, Steven Spielberg’s Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Martin Scorsese’s Raging Bull are just some random examples that always seem to be appearing at the top of the list.

So, why do these films make it high on the list? Is it the carefully constructed storylines, the skillful acting from the actors, the beautiful cinematography or is it the way a film makes such an impression first time it is automatically made some people favourite film without them even watching it. It’s like they just go with the flow.

I personally don’t believe it is on how many views a film has had due to the fact that pornography would probably over pass any film made.

The fact of the matter is, and this is Andrew "Sexy Boy" Lanni telling you this, there is no way to tell what the best film in the world is, either is there a way to determine the best television programme, band, musician, athlete, wrestler, book, magazine etc etc. It is all a matter of opinion, the only thing us humans are allowed to have now a days. So I don’t want someone to shout at me telling me that I’m wrong because, it my opinion...unless it’s Don Siegel’s Dirty Harry. So there!

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