Sunday 2 November 2008

Anyone For Spaghetti? - A Fistful of Dollars (1964)

If James Dean was the epitome of cool in the 50s, Clint Eastwood was definitely the epitome of cool in the 60s, and to me the early 70s with Don Siegel’s Dirty Harry. Sergio Leone’s spaghetti western A Fistful of Dollars was one of Eastwood’s first successful leading role films.

First of I’d better explain that spaghetti westerns are westerns made mainly by Italian and Spanish studios. They were also shot mainly in Spain, in the Andalusia region of Spain due to its similar resemblance of the American Southwest. They were usually full of Spanish actors, playing Mexicans, and usually had one or two young American actors in them, like my main man Clint.

The plot is a pretty simple one. Clint Eastwood, known as ‘The Man With No Name’ or ‘Joe’, rides into a town owned by two rivalling families called the Baxter’s and the Rojo’s. Eastwood, being a bounty hunter, realises that he can make a lot of money by playing both families against each other. There are other sub-plots in the film but this is the general jist of the film.

The film is full of Leone’s signature trademarks, extreme close-ups on the actor’s eyes, dynamic use of wide shots and Leone’s obsession for detail, starting with the scenery to the rough faces of the actors. Leone seems to make the film a visual treat for the audience.

The three things that always stick in my mind when think about this film is Ennio Morricone’s (Credited as Don Savio) style of music that added to the grittiness of the film, Leone’s use of extreme close-ups on characters eyes and of course Eastwood’s hard-ass attitude, cigar chomping and .45 firing acting. Common, he's so cool! As soon as he rides into town he walks into a funeral directors shop and asks him to, “Get three coffins ready,” and goes out and takes out four, not three, guys for scaring his horse. He does correct himself, “My mistake. Four coffins…” So cool!
I have always treasured this film more than the sequels For A Few Dollars More and The Good, The Bad And The Ugly. It was one I saw at a young age and always have remembered and enjoyed. I think westerns are something that all boys should watch when growing up. Apparently the film is basically a remake of one of Akira Kurosawa’s films Yojimbo, but I have never seen it to compare. Although I can see how the tales from Japan are easily created in the Old West.

"A Fistful of Dollars is the first motion picture of its kind. It won't be the last."

For the trailer -


Ally MacRae said...

All three are great films! Have you seen "Once Upon A Time In The West" and "A Fistful of Dynamite"? They're in some ways even better than the dollars trilogy as he blends his visual style and sense of action with more developed characters and stories. Check 'em out!

D. Sarakinis said...

Well done man, I'm proud of you!!!

Yeah, Sergio Leone is a master and Clint Eastwood is God. The only God!

P.S. They were mainly shot in Almeria, not Andalusia :p