Wednesday 10 December 2008

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Something today clicked for me. I'm not sure what it is because my mind is like mine field of rubber ducks and fruit salads sweeties but whatever my lecturers think, I do listen in classes and take a exceptional amount of interest. Anyway, the idea of short films, and esspecially the ninety second mini-masterpieces, started to interest me today. The mini's used to be something I used to write a lot of and have a large interest in, however, then I got put of the idea all together, dunno why...just did!

Anyway, my interest is back and I thought I'd post a few links for a good couple of shorts.

Bad Luck For Bob (And Other Stories) -

Breif Encounters -

Enjoy The Film -

Gash -

Chrysanthemums The Word -

Please Do Not Put Any Ducks Into This Chute -

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