Monday 27 October 2008

Where There Is No Imagination There Is No Horror

It is now the 27th of October and I am getting excited about Halloween! I am a very seasonal person; I love Christmas, New Year and especially Halloween.

My fondness for the horror genre comes from a very, very young age when my dear old dad had a collection of video nasties from the 70’s and 80’s hidden away in a cupboard. Being a young, adventurous chap I found them one day and shat myself! However I fell in love with the cover art work. Here is one of the covers I loved from still a film I love by Lucio Fulci, Zombie Flesh Eaters.

I started waking up early to watch some of these nasties, obliviously without permission of my folks. I won’t say what age I was for my folks sake, but let’s say I was far too young and they were definitely a change from watching The Jetsons. I watched six or seven of these films until I woke up one morning to go watch Dario Argento’s Tenebrae. When I was just on the trailers at the start of the tape my father was horrified to see me with a collection of VHS nightmares in front of me.

Needless to say, my dad took all of them to the Red Cross Shop. Now that I think about it, I don’t think the old ladies at the Red Cross Shop would have accepted them with open arms. Maybe it was somewhere else.

Anyway, jump time a good few years and I found both the classics like Terence Fisher’s Dracula and modern horror greats like Ridley Scott’s Alien, George A Romero’s Dawn Of The Dead and John Carpenter’s remake of The Thing.

So anyway the next couple of reviews will be aimed at some of the frightening, bloodcurdling and of course some of the considered ‘shite’ video nasties of the world as well as the some of the more exceptional master pieces. You’ve been warned!

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